Marketing Toolkit

What an amazing feeling winning a business award gives to you as a business owner. Having your efforts, commitment and many sleepless nights recognised in this way provides the ultimate reward. But now you have won an award, what next? Here we provide you with some top tips ensuring you capitalise on your award win to gain maximum exposure from such a terrific achievement: 01 - Share the news internally 02 - Write a blog post about your win 03 - Share the news across your social media platforms 04 - Add the winner’s logo to your markering materials 05 - Distribute a press release to the media 06 - Display trophies and certificates at your premises 07 - Share the news with your subscribers and customers 08 - Update your static written content 09 - Take photos with your trophy or certificate and share it 10 - Think long-term and make this an integral part of your marketing strategy You Won! How to make the most of your award win