Marketing Toolkit

How to Make the Most of Your Award Win

What an amazing feeling winning a business award gives to you as a business owner. Having your efforts, commitment and many sleepless nights recognised in this way provides the ultimate reward. But now you have won an award, what next? Here we provide you with some top tips ensuring you capitalise on your award win to gain maximum exposure from such a terrific achievement: 01 - Share the news internally 02 - Write a blog post about your win 03 - Share the news across your social media platforms 04 - Add the winner’s logo to your markering materials 05 - Distribute a press release to the media 06 - Display trophies and certificates at your premises 07 - Share the news with your subscribers and customers 08 - Update your static written content 09 - Take photos with your trophy or certificate and share it 10 - Think long-term and make this an integral part of your marketing strategy You Won! How to make the most of your award win

Employees are great brand ambassadors, they are likely to share the news with their peers, perhaps share the news across their social media and share their pride at being a key part in the business’ success. Internal newsletters are a great way to keep your team members up to date with company news so don’t forget to share the fantastic news with the entire workforce. Behind-the-scenes photos are great for customers to see so if you do celebrate as a business be sure to share such photos publicly. Share the news internally 01 How to make the most of your award win

Tell your story! Talk about your experiences that led your business to this point, what the award means for your business and offer advice to other businesses who are perhaps starting up and/or hoping to win an award one day. Be sure to share the blog post with the award organisers, they will love to hear of your experience and will I’m sure promote your blog post too. Write a blog post about your win 02 How to make the most of your award win

All stakeholders of your business can view your social media platforms so take the opportunity to share the great news across all active social media. Be it through sharing a blog post about the win on LinkedIn, sharing photos of trophies or certificates on Facebook or Tweeting about what the award win means to you, be sure to share the news across all of your social networks. Share the news across your social media platforms 03 How to make the most of your award win

You can utilise the logo throughout all of your marketing materials to gain maximum gain from your win. Add to email signatures, include a clickable logo on your website in your header or footer, include in your social media banners, add to any fliers, compliments slips and other stationery, and perhaps even on your signage on premises or vehicles. Add the winner’s logo to your marketing materials 04 How to make the most of your award win

Local media are often interested in hearing news of the successes of local businesses so be sure to share a press release with local press. If it is national or even international recognition you may look to expand further and share with industry media or national press. Engaging with a news distribution service is one to consider too. Distribute a press release to the media 05 How to make the most of your award win

Depending on your type of business it is quite likely that you will have a physical premises with some footfall. Ensure to display certificates and trophies in reception areas, meeting rooms, waiting areas, your shop or your studio to ensure that customers, visitors and team members see a reminder of your business’ success. Display trophies and certificates at your premises 06 How to make the most of your award win

Do you have an e-newsletter that you send at regular intervals to your clients? If so, be sure to share the news in the newsletter, you may wish to link to your blog article, share photos or videos and direct them to the award organisers website where they can find out more about the award win. Share the news with your subscribers and your customers 07 How to make the most of your award win

Take the time to update all of your copy with detail of your award. Look at your about us, careers, bio pages and social media profiles and ensure reference to the award. By simply describing your company as ‘award winning’ you are likely to be viewed as a more serious player in your market, this may well allow you to increase your market share as being a cut above your competitors. Update your static written content 08 How to make the most of your award win

Don’t underestimate the power of imagery in content marketing. Often consumers prefer visual content over written content so a photo of you with a business award can be easily viewed and absorbed by your customers, your employees and your peers. Add photos to your website and your social media to ensure maximum exposure. Take photos of you with your trophy or certificate 09 click click How to make the most of your award win

Awards can yield some great results with little upfront outlay. Winning or being shortlisted for awards comes with a whole range of benefits including creating increased brand trust, motivating team members and allowing your business to stand out from competitors. Businesses are therefore wise to incorporate awards into their overall marketing strategy. By making this part of your strategy you are more likely to factor in the time and resource into winning an award and are therefore more likely to use any win as part of your PR drive. Think long-term and make this an integral part of your marketing 10 How to make the most of your award win

10 Ways to Generate More Business fromWinning an Award